How does Gifra's Fibre to the Mast work?
FTTM makes the deployment of high capacity and flexible Internet possible to meet the rapidly growing high bandwidth demands of today’s mobile networks. It is the alternative way of connecting to the internet cable or phone line. Experience ultra-speed up to 100Mb. We setup your home by fitting a small discrete antenna that links back to our nearby mast or repeater. FTTM technology has been in existence for quite a while, and lately, it has been adopted by ISP’s and government as an alternative technology to connect homes and businesses in areas hard to reach by traditional cables.

Community register interest website

No up-front commitment or signups

Community enabled within 1-4 weeks

Get started today!
How much does it cost?
The charges are dependent on the number of homes and businesses subscribing to the service. Basically the more the number of the home users or businesses the lower the charges. Tariffs will offer speeds from 155Mbps to 300Mbps. Installation fees will either be free of charge or an agreed rate based on the number of subscribers. We will be in a better position to give a more specific indication once we confirm how many homes and businesses are interested in your community.
Getting started with our Fibre to the Mast
To get started, firstly we will ask you to pre-register by clicking the register button below. We’ll ask some basic information
You will have to provide a contract of no less than 10 persons or businesses
Once we receive the contract, arrangement for a site/house visit will be made
If Approval is given by the engineering who visited the site
We will build our fibre to the mast network to your area, and get you connected